Welcome to Cookridge Primary School's Garden

Keep up to date with all that's going on in our school garden throughout the year!

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Busy, busy, busy

With the weather being extremely kind to us, we've been able to work in the garden with the children on both Thursday and Friday afternoons.
Thursday saw Cameron and Jacob putting their prize winning Bird Hide design actually on the bird hide - both the boys had camouflage colours in mind and now are starting to put it into reality, by sketching the design on to the wooden panels.  They can't wait to paint it, but the weather though sunny, is still very cold and yesterday, an unexpected rain shower, nearly caught us!
Husnain and Leon worked together as a great little team, emptying one of the beds of last year's cabbages and weeds ready for digging. They were a dream team. When  Leon shouted "Hey, buddy, I need your help, buddy!" to Husnain, it had Mrs Whitley and I laughing so much we had tears in our eyes.  
Sana and Molly stayed warm in the polytunnel and continued the ongoing job of planting seeds!  Well done, both of you, it's just one of those jobs that needs to be done.  Hopefully in a few weeks, you will see some great results appearing out of the pots!
On Friday, Taylor and Cobie built a shelter for snakes, hoping that any local grass snakes may take up residence. Cobie is totally mad about snakes so it was his idea to create this house out of logs and some of our surplus dung (knew it would have other uses!) and place it in our designated wildlife area. Just need some snakes now! The cabbage patch got a good digging over with Cami, Codie, Mackenzie and Alex working in shifts, Freya, Raegan, Nada and Mariyyah planted more seeds and watered the others, Billy was busy designing and planning the wildlife area to his specifications and we picked some daffodils that are growing in the garden, to brighten up the school inside.
Ultimately, the garden is their garden.  Mrs Whitley and I want the children to be fully involved and taking responsibility for the garden from planning, making decisions, designing, putting forward their ideas and wishes, through to the maintenance of the garden, the cultivation of the vegetables and flowers and the harvesting as well as just having a chance of getting mucky and collecting worms by the handful.  They love every single minute when we're out there and we have trouble getting them back into class sometimes!

Coffee Morning on Tuesday 13th March 0900am
Mrs Whitley and I are joining the coffee morning on Tuesday to welcome anybody who is interested in our work in the garden.  If you are interested in volunteering in any way or have any ideas that could help us, we would love to meet you. Or if you just want to find out out what we do and our work with the children, just call in for a chat with us. We look forward to meeting you on Tuesday!

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