After a very long winter and many weeks of snow and freezing temperatures, Spring has finally sprung in Cookridge! Today we are basking in a positively tropical 15 degrees with the sun shining down on us, though we have gale force winds which whip at the polytunnel, making the most alarming noises.
Well, we're now out here every afternoon until July. I gathered a gang of eight boys and we tentatively went up to the garden after many weeks of neglect. It was not that bad actually and we ended up having a bit of a tidy up, propping our scarecrows back into position, a bit of litter picking and general re-organisation.
Daffodils have bloomed in our story telling area, the rhubarb has pushed its way through its winter bedding of straw and looks healthy and the strawberries are starting to regrow. I'm kicking myself as in the polytunnel, I had planted in pots, lots of daffodils. They are in full bloom and would of made a lovely display in the front entrance. Truthfully, they were leftovers from previous community bulb planting and I thought they were past their best, but taking my mother's outlook on gardening "they've got two choices, up or down", I planted them anyway. Well, they look fantastic and I'm cross for not keeping an eye on them!
So tomorrow, the children will be split into teams - the weeding crew and the sowing crew. We are two months behind and we haven't sown a seed yet! Eeek! So guess what we're doing over the next week!
The children cheered when I told them we were gardening again and it was lovely to be out in the fresh air, getting grubby and working hard. We're back in business!
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